646.82 ₹
Price for 1000Start Time: 0-72 Hours ✔️ Speed: 1000+/Day ✔️ Guarantee: 30 Days Refill ✔️ Link : 🔗 🎬 Order Using Channel Link Only: Please provide your channel link for orders. Our system will automatically and randomly pick videos available on your channel to fulfill the order. Sit back and relax while we handle the rest! 📺🎉 Attention: ⚠️ 📣 1)In order for our service to function effectively and generate watch time, it is imperative that the client\'s YouTube video embed remains accessible and open. 2) Refund Policy: Please note that if any videos are removed after placing an order, no refunds will be issued for the affected watch time or services. 3) Order Cancellation: Running orders cannot be canceled once they have been initiated. Please ensure you are certain about your order before proceeding. 4) Fast Monetization: We recommend that you promptly apply for monetization as soon as your watch time requirements are met to maximize your channel\'s potential earnings. 🚀💰) 📢 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT 📢 If your channel gets monetized and experiences a watch time drop after monetization, we want to inform you that there will be no ❌️ Refund or Refil ❌️available. According to YouTube\'s new policy, even if your watch time drops or goes to zero after monetization, your channel will remain monetized, and this will not impact your channel\'s growth at all, providing a safe and worry-free experience. ✅️